Bid Writing & Design – Framework Support


Our client, a large global IT services company, was seeking to retain a key current central government department contract. They asked Samtaler to support their bid writing team’s drafting of the 5 required social value responses within a condensed timeline.


The contract re-procurement was being conducted through a Crown Commercial framework call-off. A ‘data room’ with all relevant data and tender documents was made available to all bidders. In the first instance, Samtaler helped the client to ensure that they had a clear understanding of all of the tender requirements and supporting data by requesting and reviewing all relevant documents, including contract schedules and clarification question responses, to collate together all relevant information into a single spreadsheet. We also reviewed the requirements to identify opportunities to go above and beyond and increase probability of a high scoring response. This meant that as the social value responses were drafted, there was an ability to cross reference the drafting with the spreadsheet and ensure that all required elements were covered in the response.

Once this was completed, Samtaler commenced review of the response drafts. Originally, the intent had been to exchange documents via email. However, to help ensure that the client was clear on the comments specifically referencing the response structure, as well as where we believed they could add to the response to meet all of the tender requirements, we held a 1-hour session to review the response to the first social value response in detail.


Despite the challenging project timeline, we were able to complete initial and secondary reviews of the social value responses ahead of submission.

Thank you both very much for your support on this opportunity – it’s been extremely helpful and hugely appreciated […] and I look forward to working together again soon. 

How we can help

From responding to social value questions to helping you make sure your bid stands out from your competitors without impacting on price, we are here to help commercial teams understand social value requirements and respond to complex questions and win contracts.

Reach out today via or read more about our Bid Writing and Design services


Social Value Delivery - Strategy and Management


Bid Writing and Design – Response Library