Social Value Delivery and Resourcing

Deliver on your Social Value commitments
with confidence
Once the bid has been won, so starts delivering the social value promised. Too often, internal departments are not clear on what they need to do to deliver on these social value commitments, or they may lack capacity and skills internally to give social value the resource it requires to be delivered well. If unresolved, this can present significant legal, financial and reputational risk for your organisation.
Whether you need hands-on support; strategic guidance or mentoring for your staff, Samtaler has you covered.
We can offer you a flexible, ad-hoc, expert social value resource for when you really need support. We can help you by:
We can help you by:
Providing you with a dedicated specialist Social Value expert to help you deliver your commitments.
Developing Social Value implementation roadmaps, supporting lines of business, monitoring the contract commitments of your suppliers, and collaborating with your delivery partners to ensure execution of your activity as promised.
Supporting recruitment of an internal resource: developing job descriptions for Social Value personnel, reviewing applications and supporting with interviews.
Holding the fort: we can plug the resource gap whilst you recruit, acting as your Social Value Manager, and support you in the onboarding/transition phase of your social value personnel.
We can also work with you long-term, appointing one of our Specialists to support you over an agreed duration and programme for activity depending on your needs.

The problem(s):
Lack of capacity for people in the business to deliver SV activity and implement strategy - SV doesn’t always sit as an established function within organisations and the people responsible for it often have to spin other plates (e.g. business development/bid writing, sustainability, marketing/comms).
Lack of skills internally to oversee and implement SV: it’s a competitive market – people with skills and understanding required (particularly for senior positions) are few and far between, recruitment can take a while.
You may be seeing an increasing demand for social value delivery, but the organisation does not have a budget or commercial requirement to justify hiring for an in-house role.

Social Value Delivery - Client Case Study
Explore our case study below and discover how we've collaborated with industry leaders to achieve remarkable social outcomes. Click on the photo to learn how Samtaler can help your organisation achieve its own social value goals.

Social Value Delivery Resources
WATCH VIDEO: How Samtaler helped our client Vattenfall find their social value ‘sweet spot’.
Download PDF ‘8 reasons Social Value isn’t working in your business and how to fix it’