Social Value Hub
Welcome to the space where we share thoughts, insights, and practical ideas to create social value.

Eight reasons social value isn't working for your business
Here are our top red flags that social value isn’t working for your business. You may want to rethink your approach if you recognise any of these.
Social Value Impact is Not Easy; Here is how to do it with our top 5 tips
You are not alone if you think your organisation is struggling to measure social impact effectively. From obsessing about numbers to ignoring intrinsic problems within an organisation, such as how staff are treated or the carbon footprint of your supply chain, there are common problems we repeatedly encounter across the public and private sectors.
What is social value, and how do you create it?
If done correctly, it can enhance the commercial value of your company. But, on the other hand, it can be a costly, damaging exercise that can blow up in your face. So how do you do it properly?
Seven practical examples of social value for your business
It can be hard to move from talking about something to doing it, especially when you work for a large or complex organisation. Depending on your workplace culture and hierarchy, your passion and drive to create more social value might lead to frustration than action. But there are things that you can be doing, however small, that could influence genuine change.
Social Value Best Practice: What Does it Look Like?
From 1st January 2021, Social Value becomes mandatory in all Central Government procurement. This article will explore why the new model is so important and why private sector organisations should embrace it.
Why paying your suppliers quickly is good for business
Extended payment terms were already the norm pre-lockdown, and big brands were some of the biggest culprits. Yet, in a tech-driven economy where invoices are sent electronically and payments can be made instantly at the click of a button, this outdated business practice is not just obsolete, inexcusable, and bad for the economy; it’s bad for the businesses who practice it too.